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About the Band

1976 - 2024

Medina Marching Band is proud to be a true military styled marching band with a long standing tradition as one of the country’s foremost youth marching bands. Based on the style of the United Kingdom’s armed forces with the unmistakable red jackets, white helmets and caps, Medina Marching Band, now in its 47th year has become a welcome and familiar sight at parades, shows and events the length and breadth of the country.

In a world where borders and traditions are being eroded and forgotten we strive to keep the United Kingdom marching band’s identity and traditions alive. The members of Medina Marching Band Isle of Wight have embraced their music since joining forces in 1976 to the present day.

Medina Marching Band is a military styled youth marching band based on the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom. The band was founded in 1976 by the late George Urry and over the years won almost every award possible for youth marching bands. Mr Urry died in 1998 and has been run by a committee headed up by Chairman Kevin Hayward until earlier this year when our beloved Chairman lost his battle with cancer.


Moving on throughout the remaining 2023 season, Kevin Downer Vice Chairman, has been voted in by the Medina Marching Band family as Head Chairman and will carry on the legacy George Urry and Kevin Hayward left behind.

The band now celebrating its 47th year. Primarily made up of young people with various backgrounds, upbringings and musical knowledge. The band caters for total beginners and more experienced players alike who desire the opportunity to play a traditional musical instrument in a traditional setting. Medina Marching Band has band members with ages starting from as young as 8 years old and can even boast many entire family memberships.

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